Contact US Descaler Directly: (828) 237-1409 or email
    “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy,
    and vibration."

    understand why impulse frequencies solve mineral scaling problems, saves energy, and why by ignoring the issue impacts the environment

    - Nikola Tesla

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    S O M E D A Y

    It will be unusual for a home or company not to have a mineral descaler

    our technology SOLVES this problem

    hard water minerals (calcium and magnesium) bond to each other and to everything it touches; this leads to pipe blockages, bio-film, corrosion due to embedded rust particles, increasing energy demands, and a perpetual strain in the environment linked to greenhouse gasses (GHG).

    Research by the Department of Energy (DOE) and other independent studies have proven the link between wasted energy consumption and shortened equipment lifespan with mineral scale as the common component.


    T O D A Y

    10 minute installation


    mineral scale formation by changing their molecular shape

    scale and rust build-up using 3-32 KHz impulse frequencies

    against future corrosion as a result of electrophoresis

    Tankless Water Heater. Descaled.

    no maintenance | zero effort

    Take a look at every tankless water heater’s website and you will surely find references to the importance of regularly maintaining this type of appliance due to the accumulation of mineral scale build-up. Get an objective opinion on tankless water heater ownership…

    Minerals in water (lime scale) form deposits on the heater's elements and in the narrow water passages inside the device. Failing to correctly flush and prevent scale deposits inside your tankless water heater can damage the system because mineral scaling restricts water flow, and prevents the system from cooling down and operating correctly.

    prevent mineral scale buildup inside tankless water heaters

    You can use descaling solutions that behave as an acid to remove scale from hidden internal components and pipes or follow this video tutorial from the Noritz brand. This remedy requires several tools, vinegar and a submersible pump to curtail mineral scaling inside the device. Set a reminder because you will have to periodically flush your tankless water heater. Scientific research has proven that as little as 1 mm of mineral scale on heating elements can reduce energy efficiencies by 15%; energy efficiencies decrease exponentially as scale layers increase.

    “Set a reminder because you are likely to forget to periodically clean your tankless water heater”

    Continuously and manually removing the hidden danger of mineral scale build-up in your tankless hot water heater may be the right solution for you; or using our electronic impulse frequency mineral descaler to prevent and remove existing scale throughout your home (and business) will show you there is a better process.

    prevents and removes mineral scaling while softening water

    remove mineral scale lime form your apartment or small home

    KASHYAP : K2 Model

    Max. Pipe Diameter: 1 ½ inches
    Max. Water Flow: 9 GPM

    details order online

    This model is perfect for apartment units and smaller homes to prevent internal mineral scale deposits from bonding to surfaces and preventing new scale from being created. This technology also provided the benefits of softened water without the unwashable slimy feel associated with other water conditioning / softening systems.

    remove mineral scale lime form your apartment or small home

    KASHYAP : K10 Model

    Max. Pipe Diameter: 2 inches
    Max. Water Flow: 44 GPM

    details order online

    The larger K10 residential model is great for homes of all sizes to remove and prevent mineral scaling from forming inside your tankless water heater and other appliances. This technology does not use consumable parts, such as filters, salt or chemicals to prevent scale deposits; and it will also help to lather soap better, make cleaning easier and flush impurities out of your water pipes. If you live in a very large home install a second descaler on your hot water pipe for a more noticeable effect.
    science of impulse frequency technology
    us descaler logo white with lineEnvironmentally friendly impulse frequency technology to prevent, clean and protect buildings and equipment from the destructive influence of mineral scale and rust buildup.
    us descaler slogan white with line

    remove scale and rust pipe cut in half

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